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E-Conference on 20 Years of the Information Technology Act, 2000 by NLIU Bhopal : Dec 19, 2020

Writer: Ayush KumarAyush Kumar

Updated: Dec 7, 2020

About the National Law Institute University, Bhopal

The National Law Institute University (NLIU) was established by the Act No. 41 of the State Legislature of Madhya Pradesh in 1997. NLIU has earned a status of a premier institution of national importance imparting quality legal education, taking up cutting-edge research activities in the areas of law and public policy, and organising workshops, seminars and training programs. In its brief journey of about two decades, NLIU has been able to carve out a niche for itself in academic excellence and prolific research activities. NLIU now stands as one of the most reputed legal institutions in the nation and has been rated consistently as one of the best law universities in the country.

About the Rajiv Gandhi National Cyber Law Centre, NLIU

Rajiv Gandhi National Cyber Law Centre (RGNCLC) is a Centre of Excellence in Cyber Law and Information Technology. The RGNCLC was established in the year 2006 at NLIU, Bhopal, by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (Now Ministry of Education), Government of India. The RGNCLC is the first Centre in the nation to deal with new and critical issues relating to various techno-legal aspects of cyberspace through regular as well as distance learning courses. The RGNCLC is one of the select few Centres/Institution in the nation providing a Master’s Degree in Cyber Law and Information Security. The RGNCLC was shaped and constituted with the objectives to develop professional expertise and skilled human resources in the field of Cyber Law and Information Technology to match with contemporary challenges emerging in the field of Cyberspace & Cybersecurity. The RGNCLC aspire to enable and facilitate legal and technical experts to efficiently regulate and create opportunities to meet economic challenges posed by the rapid technology development through the rigorous research activities and publications, which is influencing virtually every area of development and social action in the nation.

About School of Information Technology, RGPV, Bhopal

The School of Information Technology at RGPV was established in 2002-03. School of Information Technology offers B. Tech. in Computer Science and Business Systems as well as M. Tech. in Information Technology and in Data Sciences. These courses prepare young graduates to take state of the art challenges as required by the industry and R&D organizations in the Information Technology field, that continues to evolve at a rate faster than other disciplines. The department continues to contribute to advances in Information Technology and is striving to improve its position as one of the leading school in India.

About Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal

At Jagran Lakecity University, we are committed to providing our students with a holistic environment that promotes self-awareness and competency. Founded on life-enriching values, we are government recognized and approved state private university under section 2(f) of UGC Act 1956, Government of India. JLU has 27 partnerships with top industries and international universities to ensure our students to get great exposure both nationally and internationally. JLU Bhopal is the only participating university from Central India in the ERASMUS+ programme under the Tuning India Project, funded by the European Commission and is also currently the country chair for Association of Universities of Asia Pacific (AUAP). The University was recognized as Global League Institution in 2015-16 by The Great Place to Study Research Institute and awarded as ‘University of the Year’ by FMPCCI.

About CyberPeace Foundation, New Delhi

CyberPeace Foundation’s work towards Internet Governance and Cyber Security is aligned towards 5 UN’s sustainable development goals. The CyberPeace Foundation stands to be the first NGO in the world to work for ‘Cyber Peace’. CyberPeace Foundation focuses on awareness, counselling, education, training and reaching out to the citizens, the government firms, law enforcement agencies (LEAs), private enterprises, NGOs working in cybercrime and cybersecurity, universities, cybersecurity experts and bug bounty hunters; to provide a common platform on a global level for all experts to come under a COMMON UMBRELLA.


  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Law

  • Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things (IoT)

  • Data Safety and Privacy Protection

  • Cyber Threat Intelligence

  • Information Security Challenges

  • Admissibility of Electronic Evidence

  • Growing relevance of Electronic/Digital Signature

  • Relevance of e-Commerce in the 21st Century

  • Role of Cyber Law in e-Governance

  • Digital Forensics and Cybercrimes

  • Threat to Intellectual Property Rights in Cyberspace

  • Effectiveness of Digital India Initiatives

e-Conference Structure

Full Academic Paper Sessions

Individually authored, or co-authored research papers will be presented in three sessions. The presenter will be given fifteen minutes for presenting their work and five minutes for discussion/questions. The author needs to send an abstract of 500 words, with a list of 3-5 keywords.

Round-Table Session

The round-table session would examine the performance of the Information Technology Act, 2000 in the past 20 years, with the focus to determine whether the cyber regulatory framework in India is adequate to encourage the growth of Information Technology in India. The focus of the round-table session is to examine the challenges and prospects of Information Technology in India. Experts from academia and industry would address diverse dimensions of the Information Technology Act, 2000, and suggest scope for improvement.

Submission Guidelines

  1. The authors are required to identify the broad theme for their proposed research paper to help us in allocating the subject-expert for review of their research paper.

  2. The submitted research papers will be evaluated based on relevance to the theme and broad topics of the e-Conference, originality of the research paper, policy significance and engagement with the broader research area of Cyber Law and Information Security. The papers may be theoretical, applied, or policy-oriented.

  3. The presented papers will be published in the form of a book with ISBN after the author incorporates the suggestions/changes suggested during the discussion/questions session.

  4. Other than paper presenters, any other research scholar or working professionals, who wish to participate in the seminar, are welcome to register and attend the e-Conference.

Abstract and Full Paper Submission

The abstract for the full academic paper should reach us on or before 3rd December 2020. A minimum of two subject experts will review the abstract, and the selected presenters will be notified by 10th December 2020. The accepted presenters should send their full papers by 15th December 2020. Abstract and full papers should be sent to

Paper Guidelines

Abstract/ Full Paper should have a cover page containing:

(a) Full name & Designation;

(b) Institution/Organization/University & Professional/Educational details; and

(c) Email address & telephone number.

The submission should be in MS word, i.e. doc/docx format with the following specification:

(a) Font: Times New Roman

(b) Line Spacing: 1.5 Points

(c) Font Size:

Title : 16 Points

Sub-Title : 14 Points

Text : 12 Points

OSCOLA Citation method should be followed.

Word Limit:

Abstract : 500 Words

Full Paper : 3000 to 5000 Words

Open to

  • Academicians

  • Researchers

  • Students

  • Cyber Professionals

  • Cyber Stakeholders

  • Cyber Forensic Experts

  • Advocates Information Technology Professionals

  • All the participants will receive the link to join the e-Conference on 18th December 2020.


  1. All participants of the e-Conference will receive an electronic certificate.

  2. The participants are advised to join the e-Conference ten minutes before the inaugural session.


  • No Registration Fee required.

  • Registration Link is here.

  • Prior registration is mandatory for paper presenters as well as participants.

Contact Details

In case of any query contact:

Important Dates

Abstract Submission : 12th December 2020

Notification of Selected Papers : 10th December 2020

Submission of Full Paper : 15th December 2020

Last Date of Registration : 18th December 2020

e-Conference Date : 19th December 2020



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